Conformity Is The Death Of Individuality. Conformity is the tendency for an individual to align their attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors with those of the people around them. The human desire to conform is inborn or at least develops at a very young age. Study led by a team at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany suggest that this is a fact because people like other people who are similar to them, and conforming boosts their feeling of sameness . Being Social beings, we are evolutionarily driven to fit in for the purpose of cohesion. It is not at all a negative thing, in fact there are instances where in as much as one identifies as unique and different, they are left with no choice but to conform. Such as in a situation where one has to agree with the rest of the group because they have greater experience / knowledge than they do. Thus following their lead can be instructive.
Conformity however, can be dangerous and the greatest killer of individuality because it doesn’t let you see past the simplicity, how comfortable you feel and what you know. Therefore you fall into the traps prepared for you by the illusion of “well-being” in which you feel safe in. Standing out can be extremely intimidating, so much that an individual with exceptional Talent and skill would rather hide that fact, just to be able to fit in with a particular group because nobody likes a “show off”, however trying to fit in can inhibit one’s full sense of self expression and discovery. Take college students for instance, on brand/trendy aspects of college reflect an identity that is shared, these students feel the need to belong. When in reality, it’s better for them to have their own self discoveries rather than have somebody else define who they ought to be.
BO KRISTO is that lifestyle brand that encourages you to have a sense of self. We encourage individuals to differentiate themselves for who they are rather than what trends subscribe them too. For a non conformer, true sense of ingenuity comes through that shows that this person is a leader and is dedicated to an elite lifestyle. With this distinction, it becomes easy for one not to concern with the opinion of others and negative mass thinking of peers.
In fact in a study performed by Journal of Youth and Adolescence, researchers found that peer pressure and peer conformity measures were stronger predictors of risk behaviors such as substance use, poor school performance, among other vices in college students. The need to belong when nobody truly knows their own identity can be very dangerous. This is the reason why BO KRISTO CLOTHING is an Urban Clothing and Lifestyle Brand that celebrates and encourages those individuals who ignore the standards of the masses.
Conformity in most instances is the death of individuality. In a world where people are constantly searching for acceptance from others, BO KRISTO encourages you to accept Yourself. We encourage you to exercise your individuality because true visionaries embrace their individuality.
Writing Credit: Ms. Gwantwa